What Is Your ‘Why’?

Why do we love the people we love?

Why do certain sounds or smells stir our souls?

Why do we care about the causes we care about?

“Why” is a word that drives us. It does more than ask a question — it defines a connection, a relationship.

The answer always comes with a story. It’s the best part about “why.” The relationship you have with the ELCA and its ministries is driven by your unique “why.” There may be a deeply personal reason you care so much about our mission and ministry, a story that compels you to make a difference.

That story also reinforces your values. Values have a source — an inspiration — and they connect you to the ELCA on a personal level: I value what you value. Your mission is my mission too. I want to see this work carry on for generations.

This is what makes your relationship with us so special. You share our values and invest in the longevity of our mission. Your “why” and our “why” are the same. Your story and our story are connected.

With a legacy gift to ELCA ministries through the ELCA Foundation, you can carry on our shared values beyond your lifetime. Together, we can build your legacy of compassion and have an impact in our world for generations to come.

Let’s Team Up

A legacy gift is such a meaningful way to share your love, and it is simpler than you might think. A few words in your will, a change-of-beneficiary form, a phone call — all are ways you can make a profound difference. The ELCA Foundation is here to help. Visit Foundation.ELCA.org/contact to find your regional gift planner to get started today. You can also contact us at 773-380-2774 or giftplanning@elca.org.